
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Here are three drawings I did in 1962 for the third issue of Castle of Frankenstein. I remember it was freezing cold the first time I went out to North Bergen, New Jersey to work on Calvin Beck's magazine in late December 1962. Issue #3 was partially completed, and my job was to finish the paste-ups. I suggested cartoon department headings and did these later when I was back at my apartment on West 10th Street. The originals are long lost, so I've attempted a clean-up restoration from the printed magazine pages. The word "movie" was done with white press-type, while "noose reel" is an imitation of the distinctive display lettering Ben Oda and Joe Orlando created for comic book story titles.



  1. Bhob! I've wondered for years who did those drawings. I always really liked them - especially "The Creatures' Bookshelf". They were among the wonderful details that gave CoF its unique personality and are just as much a memory of my enjoyment of those mags as the amazing photos for (often International) films you didn't see in other mags and the writing that never talked down to kids. I've always had the utmost respect for the writing you did for CoF and it's so cool to know that you did those drawings, too!

    By the way - I just re-read your earlier post on Matt Fox. I remember seeing the ads for those posters well -- and now I wish I would have bought one! The poor guy...

    Keep up the great work! --Richard

  2. Thanks, Richard!
