Art Spiegelman/Bhob cartoon jam (1968)
Despite the 1970 copyright, this collaborative cartoon jam between Art Spiegelman and myself was created in 1968. Other than that, I don't remember much about this. Who did what? Beyond the overlaps, the faces and figures without much shading appear to be by me, and ones with much shading are by Art. I have a vague memory we might have done another such jam with the underground cartoonist-illustrator John Thompson.

I do recall clearly that in Boston in 1970 I took these pages to have photostats made at a small print shop which had a poster in the window showing cute bunny rabbits hopping around the words "Top Quality Reproduction". When I came back to get the stats, I was told that the boss had refused to do the job because he objected to the artwork. I asked to speak with him. He came out, and I discussed the matter. But he still refused. By this time, some of the shop employees were gathering to see this confrontation. They were trying to keep from laughing behind his back when I said, "You see that poster in the window with the rabbits? I find that offensive!" and walked out.
Labels: art spiegelman, bhob