
Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Below is my interview with Dave Gibbons as it appeared in The Comics Journal 116 (July 1987). The intro mentions the cover's hidden image which is perhaps easier to spot in a smaller size. See reduction at right. Then enlarge to see the typo discussed in the first paragraph of the interview. 1986 photo of Dave by Jackie Estrada.

Now, some 23 years later, one can follow him on Twitter by going to Dave Gibbons, where he recently announced, "I'm currently halfway through my first all digital story. Will post teaser soon."

Parts two and five of six-part demo.


  1. Jackie Estrada11:37 AM

    Hey--that photo of Dave is one I took when he came to Comic-Con for the first time and was in Artists' Alley. It had to be 1986.

  2. Jackie, I added credit to you in the first paragraph.
