Real-life Horror #4: Wake-up Call

I missed my October deadline for the annual "Real-Life Horror", but here we go. Click the label at bottom to see others in the series.
About six years ago, still half asleep, I decided a mix of Shredded Wheat and Raisin Bran would make a nice breakfast. I filled the bowl in semi-darkness.
I took the first spoonful and was startled by a slight pain in my mouth on my gums. I thought, "That's funny. Could one of the shreds of the wheat be that sharp?" I decided not to swallow. Instead, I spit it all out into a paper towel and lying in the milk and cereal was a live spider waving his legs. He was the size of a small raisin.
When I was taking the first bite, the spider bit first. I waited, but there was no later reaction indicating poison. It reminded me that something similar had happened to me before. When I was a child, something flew in my mouth, stung me and flew away.
Now I always look closely when I pour something from a box or bottle.
Labels: real-life horror, spider