Smitty and Smiddy

Walter Berndt (1899-1979) drew
Smitty for more than 50 years. The
Smitty daily began November 27, 1922, and the Sunday strip followed three months later on February 25, 1923.
Smitty came to an end when Berndt retired in 1973. His memory lives on with the
Berndt Toast Gang, a group of Long Island cartoonists who named their organization in his honor.
Here Smitty tries to beat the heat on August 1, 1948:

Smitty is 13-year-old Augustus Smith, an energetic office boy who worked with his boss, Mr. Bailey, and stenographer Ginnie. Then it was home to his family -- Ma, Pa and his four-year-old kid brother, Herby. As the strip progressed, Smitty aged into adolescent adventures, and during the 1950s, he married Ginnie. Herby is featured in both the top and bottom strips on this page from August 2. 1936.

Bill Elder drew this parody for EC's
Panic #4 (August-September 1954):

Labels: bailey, berndt, berndt toast gang, elder, ginnie, herby, smitty