Surge #2

We covered Josh Neufeld's webcomics graphic novel,
A.D. New Orleans After the Deluge, about
Katrina a year ago. To read all chapters, go
here. The print version arrives this summer, published by Pantheon. While you're waiting, read Sarah Jaffe's
interview with Josh Neufeld.

In his
blog Four-Eyes, Neufeld comments:
The Pantheon version of A.D. will be greatly expanded from the online version, with lots of new material covering the Convention Center and the characters' lives since the hurricane. In total, there are 65 new pieces of art out of a total of 290. The reason I call them "pieces of art" instead of "pages" was because of the format I drew A.D. for the web, where each "page" of the web version became in essence half a page of the book version. Forget it, it's too complicated. The simplest thing is to say that the book will have nearly 25% more original art — as well as major revisions, text changes, and re-colorizations of the previous work. The whole thing is gonna weigh in at just about 200 pages.
Labels: biloxi, graphic novel, josh neufeld, katrina, new orleans, surge