The Evening Nibble
Getting into the Christmas spirit, here are Dreams and The Evening Nibble by Peter Cross, who created these watercolors as greeting cards for The Great British Card Company. For more by Cross, go here.

In addition to watercolor, pen and ink, Cross strengthens the colors with an airbrush. The cards generate ideas for his books, as he notes in this interview:
"The cards that I do now, I probably do about two a week, and the details on the picture take the longest amount of time... All from my own imagination. It's not a tortuous process, it's something that I enjoy and see as a challenge. What can be tortuous actually is trying to stop the flow of ideas and selecting and rejecting ones. So sometimes my biggest problem isn't trying to think up ideas but having too many and the feeling you have then of overload, and it's not a pleasant thing. So what you need then is an ability to select objectively, and that comes with experience and knowing which ideas are successful. I'm lucky getting the feedback on which cards are selling well and which ones aren't and knowing that anything that has got booze on it will sell. In terms of sales or anything like that, I've never actually counted them, but I suppose I must turn out at least a hundred a year. And I've been doing them now for a couple of years, so there must be at least two hundred."