VocaleseLambert, Hendricks and Ross: "Avenue C" (3:05)
The Voices of Vocalese Dave Lambert, Jon Hendricks and Annie Ross sing "Avenue C" from Sing a Song of Basie (1957). Here is clip of LH&R singing "Everyday" (also on Sing a Song of Basie). Lambert, Hendricks and Yolande Bavan do "Come On Home". More LH&R in 1995 Jon Hendricks audio interview. Dave Lambert Quintet audition in 1964 after the breakup of LH&R. Clip (from D.A. Pennebaker's Lambert & Co. shows Lambert, Mary Vonnie, Sarah Boatner, Leslie Dorsey and David Lucas. Lastly, Annie Ross sings "Twisted," written by Ross and Wardell Grey.